About YouthBG.net
YouthBg.net is a Virtual Youth Network providing information and resources in Internet for youth activities, projects and initiatives all over the country and working as an electronic forum for partnership and exchange of good and positive practices in the field of youth action and community development in Bulgaria.
YouthBg.net is a mechanism to motivate and stimulate activities of youth teams and organizations all over the countryas well as to raise the awareness and support of governmental agencies, donors, media and the wider audience.
YouthBg.net is a joint effort of many young people in Bulgaria to develop a holistic network where each and every youth activist, team, NGO or youth related institution might act as a source, as a user and as a creator of the content and activities.
YouthBg.net target group
YouthBG.net has been created by and has been serving the needs and progressive development of the young people and their communities from all social, economical and ethnical backgrounds;
Direct participants in YouthBG.net activities and development are:
Youth activists, team leaders and volunteers all over the country
Coordinators and staff from non-governmental organizations
Social, cultural, and educational youth related institutions
YouthBg.net main steps
- to make youth actions VISIBLE on-line – by creating individual web sites of various youth organizations and initiatives
- to make youth teams ACTIVE on-line – by providing training for independent management and effective use of the individual web sites
- to make youth organizations and communities CONNECTED on-line - by running an electronic youth networking campaign on a national level
- to make young leaders CREATIVE on-line - by developing a youth Gateway web site for support and development – www.youthbg.net
YouthBg.net overview
- March – June 2006. The pilot phase “Internet for Youth Action” was successfully realized – a research on the strategic use of ICT (Information and communication technologies) and the first workshop for Internet youth activitism were finalized. The pilot 12 websites were created.
- September 2006. The YouthBg.net was initiated and the concept of it was elaborated by 75 young leaders from over 35 youth NGOs from Bulgaria, Makedonia, Poland, Turkey and Europe during the youth round table “Digital Communications for Youth development” in Balkan Youth Festival, 2006, Sandanski, Bulgaria.
- April 2007. YouthBG.net project was officially supported and funded by the National State Agency of Youth and Sports in Bulgaria.
- April 2007. The first Virtual Campaign “Global Youth Service Day in Bulgaria”, http://gysd.zaedno.net was launched. About 63 youth teams and NGOs from all over Bulgaria took part in it.
Planned Activities for the period of April 2007 – April 2008
- Over 30 dynamic websites of youth organizations, teams or projects all over the country will be created during series of specialized trainings.
- YouthBg.net Gateway for youth activism in Bulgaria will be created with the active participation of all network partners and team members of the website trainings.
- Virtual Action Youth Team of members from various youth organizations will be formed and developed with the aim to support and work for the YouhtBG.net gateway and the virtual campaigns.
- Series of Virtual Youth Campaigns with focus on raising awareness on the effective usage of Internet for youth activitism and community development will be organized and realized all over the country in Bulgaria and internationally.
Partners and supporters
Over 35 youth NGOs and non-formal youth teams all over the country established YouthBg.net. The main sponsor is the National Agency of Youth and Sports of Bulgaria.
The main direct partners in the project activties of YouthBg.net are:
- European Information Center, Veliko Turnovo
- Youth Club of the Association of UN in Bulgaria
- Association for Volunteers Bulgaria
- CVS Bulgaria
- Internet Rights Bulgaria Foundation
- The Students Parliament of 02 Sofia School „Emilian Stanev“
YouthBg.net team is very open for new partners, supporters and friends from Bulgaria, Europe and all over the world.
The project is coordinated by ZAEDNO - Communication for Support & Development.
For more information about the YouthBG.net concept and activities
mail: youthbg.net@gmail.com